


Four months after the accident when Ms. Sujatha (Founder of Shradda) came to know that she would not be able to move without help, she did not lose heart and hope. She was more positive than she was earlier. As all her so-called friends and well-wishers had slowly distanced themselves, she had to find ways of supporting herself financially and emotionally.

With in a year of accident, she started a textile unit, it did well, but there was disadvantage of her disability. Therefore she taught herself the skill of trading on the stock exchange. Now she earns a substantial amount from trading in stocks. Apart from these she has participates in other activities like:

  1. Counseled over 2000 individuals and taught them how to be happy and smiling all the time.
  2. These individuals are not only accident victims, but others too with serious diseases like cancer etc
  3. From my experience I tell people how to come out of depression and make life easy and how to handle emotional problems that are bound to crop up. I also provide what ever medical information and guidance I can to the people


I am telling you all this only to show that if you have the confidence and positive out look - there are no full stops in life

  1. Sir Sri's 'Art of Living' organization has helped me immensely in networking with people and organizations
  2. Through my network I have placed a few individuals in good gainful employment. I intend to help many more disabled people find jobs
  3. Today I not only counsel corporate groups but also I am an anchor for TV show in Telugu